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Course Instructors

  • Bio Item
    Jerri England , bio

    Instructor England teaches Math 1524, Business Calculus, in the Math Emporium.

  • Bio Item
    Diane Agud profile picture
    Diane Agud , bio

    Diane Agud is a Senior Instructor who has been teaching 1000-2000 level undergraduate mathematics courses at VT for 30 years. Ms. Agud also serves on several Departmental and University committees and University commissions. Some of the committees/commissions she is involved with are Faculty Senate, Faculty Senate Cabinet, CFA, COSFA, Undergraduate Honor System, K-12 Outreach. She is also a course coordinator for Math 1014, Math 1025, and Math 1226.

Help Session Schedule 

Students should contact their instructor for help session information.

 Virtual Instructor Office Hours

Students should contact their instructor about office hours.

Virtual Tutoring

Virtual Tutoring is offered 9am-5pm weekdays. See your course Canvas page for more information.

Testing Hours

Students should contact their instructors for information about testing.

Excel Help

Microsoft has some helpful guides for how to use Excel (click for the guide):