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Math 1025

Elementary Calculus for Life Science

Math 1025 covers topics in Differential Calculus, including limits and derivatives with various applications. It is a self-paced course with all materials available online.

Math 1025 Course Policy

About this course:

Math 1025 is a three credit course that covers topics in Differential Calculus, including limits and derivatives with various applications. It is a self-paced course with all materials available online.

Instructor:  Jennifer Smucker

How we work in this course:

Learning at the Math Emporium is based on a student-led learning approach, where knowledge is constructed by the students' exploration and hands-on problems.

You will be asked to work in Math 1025 (free) online text-book at your own pace, work examples, and work on practice problems that will prepare you for the quizzes and exams in your course. Students should be prepared to actively develop learner autonomy and independence, instead of passively listening to a lecture. Please click in this link to know the steps to work in our course.

Your grade in this course:

The final grade for this course is computed based on the following:

  • Midterm tests: 65%
  • Quizzes: 15%
  • Final Exam: 20%

Grades are not rounded.

pie chart of grade weights

You will receive scores for 12 Graded Quizzes this semester.

  • Most quizzes (Quizzes 2 - 10) will be based on the mathematical content of the course. Each of these quizzes will have 10 questions.
  • Three quizzes (Quizzes 1, S, and E) will not be based on mathematical content.
    • Quiz 1: This is the Orientation Quiz. It covers things you need to know to succeed in your course. Quiz 1 has 15 questions.
    • Quiz S: Students will fill out a Proctor Form for credit for this quiz.
    • Quiz E: This is an end-of-semester survey about the Emporium. You will learn more about this towards the end of the semester.
  • Only the highest 9 Graded Quiz scores will be used to calculate your ending Quiz % Average at the end of the semester.

You will receive grades for 4 Midterm Tests. 

  • Each Midterm Test consists of 20 problems in multiple-choice format covering the same material as the corresponding Practice Problems. All Tests are procted and must be taken in the Testing Center.
  •  You may take each of the 4 Midterm Tests twice before the deadline date and time that appear to the right of the test link in the Quiz and Test System for that test.  If you take the test a second time, your better score will count for ⅔ of that test score, while your lower score will count for ⅓ of that test score.
  • If it is to your benefit, the percentage grade from your Final Exam will replace the lowest Midterm Test percentage score.
  • There are 4 Midterm Tests that must be taken for this course. The LAST day to start a test is called the deadline day. Deadline days for your Midterm Tests are: (remember, the times of your deadlines can be found in the Quiz & Test system)

    Test 1 - July 12
    Test 2 - July 19
    Test 3 - July 26
    Test 4 - August 2


You will take a Comprehensive Final Exam.

  • The Final Exam consists of 25 problems in multiple-choice format covering all of the course content.  
  • The Comprehensive Final Exam must be taken one time before the deadline.
  • If it is to your benefit, the percentage grade from your Final Exam will replace the lowest Midterm Test percentage score.
  • The LAST day to start the Final Exam is: August 9
  • Note: Since the final exam is worth 20% of your course average, you can’t earn an A in this course if you miss the final exam.

If you want to track your grade in the course, you can use the Grade Estimator.  

Honor Code: 

The Undergraduate Honor Code pledge that each member of the university community agrees to abide by states:

"As a Hokie, I will conduct myself with honor and integrity at all times. I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor will I accept the actions of those who do."  

Students enrolled in this course are responsible for abiding by the Honor Code. A student who has doubts about how the Honor Code applies to any assignment is responsible for obtaining specific guidance from the course instructor before submitting the assignment for evaluation. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude any member of the University community from the requirements and expectations of the Honor Code. For more details about how the honor code applies to Emporium courses, see the Emporium Honor Code Policy.

For additional information about the Honor Code, please visit the University's Honor System.

Getting Help in this course

Learner autonomy means that you will be in charge of persistently seeking help in a timely manner, keeping track of the deadlines and managing your time wisely. 

You will have support from your instructor and tutors to succeed. Visit your course page in Canvas for information about Getting Help.

You should feel free to contact your instructor with any questions you may have.

Instructor: Jennifer Smucker

Course Schedule (Please see the Quiz and Test System for your specific deadline time.)

Week Day/Deadline Activity Content
Week 1 July 5
Quiz 1 Orientation Information
  July 5 Quiz S
Proctor Form
Week 2 July 8 Quiz 2
Modules 1.1 - 1.2
  July 10 Quiz 3 Module 1.3 - Lesson 2.1.4
  July 12 Test 1 Module 1.1 - Lesson 2.1.4
Week 3 July 15 Quiz 4 Lesson 2.1.5 - Module 3.1
  July 17 Quiz 5 Module 3.2
  July 19 Test 2 Lesson 2.1.5 - Module 3.2
Week 4 July 22
Quiz 6 Module 3.3
  July 24 Quiz 7 Module 3.4
  July 26 Test 3 Modules 3.3 - 3.4
Week 5 July 29 Quiz 8 Module 4.1 - Lesson 4.3.1
  July 31 Quiz 9 Lessons 4.3.2 - 4.3.5
  August 2 Test 4 Modules 4.1 - 4.3
Week 6 August 7 Quiz 10 Module 4.4
  August 9
Quiz E SPOT and End of Year
Canvas survey
Final Exam August 9 Final Exam All Course Material